My brain seems to have gone onto Christmas mode and I have no idea whatever for today’s blog. So, I thought I’d try one of those “blog idea” generators.
I got a bunch of titles like 5 Ways to —–, 10 Things You Should —–, and a bunch of verbs and nouns. I also got some weird stick figures with various parts of speech attached to them. None of this produced anything for a blog but it did make me think of the current discussion on artificial intelligence. You know, that thing where machines are smarter than humans and make decisions for us. e.g. Facebook’s algorithms decides which ads you should see. Amazon’s brain decides which books you should buy.
So long as artificial intelligence is confined to advertising blurbs, I guess it won’t hurt me, but if AI starts running political parties, or setting government policy, or determining patient treatment in medical situations, we’re in trouble. Some would argue that that is already happening. Since I just spent a fruitless hour trying to place an order on-line, I can attest to the fact that computer programs don’t always work. I would be afraid of a situation where there was no human to over-ride the machine’s decisions.
Have a look at this report aired on the CBC Monday night.
Robert McCheseney is a leading author on the subject of economic, democracy and technology. He suggests that deep artificial intelligence can pose a serious risk to society and even the future of humankind. e.g. AI, which is built and programmed by humans, can become autonomous and put their “prime directive” above all other considerations. Thus humans could lose control of autonomous weapons, programmed to kill. The weapon then kills indiscriminately because there is no check on its operation.
Self-driving cars already exhibit a form of artificial intelligence, but if the self-driving car is told to drive on the left hand side of the road in North America, mayhem will ensue. I’d want the human driver of that automobile to have an over-ride button.
And that brings me back to the question at the top of this blog, “what will I write about today?”
Mr. McChesney tells us that a robot, or deep artificial intelligence is unlikely to adopt human emotions like love or hate or jealousy or forgiveness. So, I’ll keep writing stories about humans who suffer the joy and despair of love. Characters who struggle to find meaning in hardship, and sacrifice for the good of others; people who’s souls respond to beautiful music or poetry; children who delight in the first snowfall and the wonder of Christmas.
Maybe, one day, a computer will write better plays than Shakespeare, or greater symphonies than Beethoven, or paint masterpieces that surpass Rembrandt. Until that time, I plan to revel in my humanity. I’ll celebrate other humans and I’ll give thanks for the Child born in Bethlehem, come to save us all.
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