Today, I’m very happy to dedicate this space to Kathleen Lawless and her most recent release. Kathleen and I have been part of the same writing group since way back when. In fact, when traditional publishing was the only way to go, she and I made our first sale in the same year. Since then she has built a career in the author business. Over to you, Kathleen, and good luck with this latest project.
I have always found surfing a fascinating sport, where the surfer’s main opponent is the force of nature, so was thrilled to see surfing scheduled to make its Olympic debut this year in Tokyo. Alas, with no Olympics this year, we’ll wait for next year to see the sport recognized by the world. Which took a while, considering surfing originated in Hawaii in the 4th century a.d.
When I got a chance to contribute a romance story to the boxed set LAST CHANCE BEACH, Summer’s End, it seemed natural to have my hero and heroine be retired pro surfers. And since I love a second chance romance, I decided they had been together years earlier in their professional surfing lives. Fast forward to when they meet again, where for different reasons, neither has been on a surfboard in years.
They’re older, they’re wiser, they’re wary; of each other, and of getting back into a sport that once was their entire lives. Like all good romances, BLUE SKY SUMMER ends happily, on the water and off. Read on for a short excerpt.
The entire LAST CHANCE BEACH box set is on pre-order for only 99 cents. That’s 14 brand new beach romances by 14 bestselling authors. A new story every day for two weeks this summer.
From BLUE SKY SUMMER by Kathleen Lawless
Alisha spread out her beach towel and lowered herself onto it, straightening a floppy sun hat to shade her face. It was the first time this week she’d ventured to this particular cove, home to the island’s surfers. The break was small this morning, and the few surfers in the water looked like beginners.
She leaned back, resting her weight on her hands, and tried to remember what it had felt like the first time she’d caught a wave. One initial rush of freedom, and she had been hooked.
She’d barely settled in to watch the action and live vicariously through others, when she saw a newcomer walk to the shoreline with a board under his arm. Something about his long-legged, self- assured gait took her back fifteen years, and the first time she’d seen Mark.
She gave her head a shake. She hadn’t thought about him in years. Much. Just because this surfer was the same height and coloring . . .
As he positioned himself on his board and headed for the break, she pulled out her binoculars, more to reassure herself it wasn’t him.
She zoomed in, and the bottom fell out of her stomach.
It was Mark!
I hope you’ll join us at LAST CHANCE BEACH, where there’s always one more chance to fall in love.
Kathleen Lawless blames a misspent youth watching Rawhide, Maverick and Bonanza for her fascination with cowboys, which doesn’t stop her from creating a wide variety of interests and occupations for her alpha male heroes.
Her hero, Steele, in UNDERCOVER, is a modern-day cowboy, so when she was wooed by a man called Steel— while he’s not a cowboy, he is an Alpha male and her forever hero. Which is why all of her stories end Happily Ever After.
Not that she can ever stick to just one genre. So many stories to tell—never enough time.
With close to 30 published novels to her credit, she enjoys pushing the boundaries of traditional romance into historical romance, romantic suspense, women’s fiction and stories for young adults.
Sign up for Kathleen’s VIP Reader Group to receive a free book, updates, special giveaways and fan-priced offers.
Thanks for being my guest, Kathleen. Love that Blue Sky cover.
Views: 617
I’m one of the 14 authors, but I can’t wait to read the other 13!
Last Chance Beach seems like the perfect place for some summer reading!
My pleasure, Alice, to be your guest today. Kathleen
I love, love, love your cover, Kathleen! And I know I am going to love your story too! I’m looking forward to this set!
Thank you, Alice, for hosting us!
So looking forward to everyone enjoying this great collection of stories!
SO looking forward to reading your story, Kathleen! I don’t think I’ve ever read a romance with both H&H as surfers. Happily ever after riding waves!
What a fun and unique concept, Kathleen! A perfect summer read. Love your cover, too.
thanks for popping by, Ros. It has been a great experience working with these authors.
I can’t wait to join you on the beach… Last Chance that is… I’ll have my copy of Blue Sky Summer in hand, and a drink in the other.
Hi Kathleen, sounds like a perfect summer read! By the way, love the cover. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Reggi. I hope you’re having a great summer.
Not fair teasing with that excerpt and then I have to wait to read the rest! Can’t wait to visit Last Chance Beach!
I can’t wait to read the rest of the stories! I love your cover, Kathleen!
Sounds like a fabulous story and I absolutely adore that cover. Hope the collection is a better success than my one and only attempt at surfing….
Thanks, Alice, for supporting Kathleen and our box set LAST CHANCE BEACH: Summer’s End.
Kathleen, I’m like Jan. I’m in the box set, but I can hardly wait to read the other stories like yours.