Life and Roses

This week my blog takes a break from writing mode to real-life mode.  It’s my annual brag-fest. 

The fall fair in my region was held over the Labour Day weekend.  I entered a number of roses and I won a lot of ribbons, including a couple of “best in show.” 

Of course, I only enter the exhibit.  The roses grow and flower and fill the air with sweet scent just because they are roses.  How often we humans try to take credit for something the Creator has done. Still, I get a big kick out of being part of the fair — and the ribbons are nice too.



If you’d like check in on me wearing my writer’s hat this week, go to  the North of the Border — a segment on the Get Lost in a Story blog, where I am the guest of Jacqui Nelson.  You’ll find lots of information on some of my favourite spots in Canada and one of my favourite Canadian authors.  You can also enter a draw to win a book. The post goes up on Thursday, Sept. 6,

Views: 235


  1. Jodie Esch

    Wow! You are a fabulous gardener! And ribbons are total fun! Congratulations! That fair is always very intriguing. Since we moved away, we don’t get there often. But I love it when folks share what they do or share what they see there.

  2. Alice Valdal

    Who’d have thought at my advanced age I’d still get giddy over a prize ribbon? I guess the kid in us survives forever. Thanks for commenting.

    • Carlene

      You are young at heart Alice …. and no matter our age it’s great to celebrate our accomplishments. ????????

      • Alice Valdal

        Aw, shucks, Carlene. Thanks

  3. Laura Langston

    Your roses are beautiful and the ribbons are a testament to your hard work nurturing them along, even if we only have a small part to play in their blooming. Congratulations!

    • Alice Valdal

      Well, I did battle black spot, moldy mildew, rust, thrips, and deer. 🙂

  4. Yvonne

    Congratulations Alice!

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