A recent issue of the RWR (Romance Writers Report) Allie Pleiter discussed the chunky method of time management, including making lists. Now, I’m a list-maker from way back, especially for things like Christmas dinner, so I thought I already knew all about lists. But I had just got home from holiday and felt overwhelmed by the amount of work waiting for me on all fronts of my life. So, I used Allie Pleiter’s tools, combined with my own usual list-making methods in an attempt to put my life in order.
To my surprise, it worked! I used to make one very long list. It was exhaustive. I even put “make list” on the list of “to do.” I’d manage to get through some of that list, then I’d need to make a new one, and that didn’t get finished and then I got too busy to make lists so any organizational benefit vanished. This time around, I’ve made lists of only the top priorities of the day, and limited the length of the list to what I might actually accomplish. I also included time for lunch and coffee breaks!
Monday’s list was long. I dashed through the day and got all but one thing on the list finished. Mondays are like that for me. I begin the week full of energy and good intentions. By Friday,both have dwindled to near zero so it’s good to have a productive Monday. However, I persisted in making manageable lists for the rest of the week and I’m happy to report that I have accomplished most tasks I set myself, and I’ve increased my writing output, and I have so many red check marks on the page I feel like a winner!
That last bit is important. Being a writer is lonely. The time between writing “chapter one” and ‘the end” is long. If the only measurement of success is a publishing contract or significant sales on self-published books, there can be a long time between “wins.” The list of tasks accomplished in a day provides instant reward, and motivation to keep going.
So, if you are a member of the RWA®, Romance Writers of America, I heartily recommend the July 2016 issue of RWR. If you’re not a member, you can check out Pleiter here.
Now, I’ll put a nice red tick beside “write blog” on my list and move on to ” bicycle for half an hour.”
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