For Christians, Easter morning is about resurrection, new birth, new life, renewal, a fresh start, an amazing gift, a life-changing event. We sing at sunrise services, we shout Hallelujah to the risen Lord. It is a day of jubilation. How heartbreaking then, were the attacks on Christian churches in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, not to mention the bombing of tourist resorts. Nearly 300 dead, 500 injured. So much hate on a day that celebrates love. It took the glow off for me, that’s for certain.
On Monday, as I feasted on leftovers from a bounteous Easter brunch, I couldn’t shake my heaviness of heart. I felt overwhelmed by world events and powerless to respond. What can one person do against such staggering odds?
I went in search of solace. I found it in a garden. Beauty — a gift from God — reminded me that there is still much to celebrate in this world. Giant tulips, happy-faced pansies and streams of glowing colours lifted the darkness from my soul.
Mother Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
This little blog cannot change the world, but I hope that sharing these pictures will raise the spirits of one or two, that they will bring a smile to a sad heart or trigger a happy memory for a lonely reader.
Enjoy, and Happy Easter week.
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