There’s a new kid on the block when it comes to connecting readers and writers, Book+ Main Bites. With the proliferation of self-publishing and e-books, there are now more than a million books published every year. The challenge for authors and readers is to discover each other in that tidal wave.
Amazon and other e-publishers use a limited number of categories to help readers find the books that appeal to them, but “romance” is a very broad category, even if you break it down to contemporary and historical. Is your historical a Victorian era novel set in London, UK, or a Victorian era novel set in India, or Africa or Canada? Is your “western” contemporary or historical? Is it about wagon trains or gold prospectors? Is it Little House on the Prairie or a cattle drive?
Personally, I know I’m overwhelmed when I search e-book sites. There is so much to choose from and so much that does not appeal to me. As a recourse, I generally stick to authors I already know—and that means I miss out on some great new writers and they miss out on a new reader.
Book Bites + Main attempts to address this problem by having a very long “tag” list. It is the only place where I’ve seen “Canadian” as a search word.
Most book sellers allow browsers to read a sample of the book before purchase. On the Book Bites site, samples from inside the book are posted by authors so readers see that first.
Each “bite” an author publishes must have a photo attached, but not the book cover. That seems like an odd rule to me, but it does give me an opportunity to find other images that reflect the tone and time of my book. There are no “teasers” allowed, so I must find a portion of text that I think will intrigue the reader and make her want to read more. I’ve decided not to use the first page of my books, since that is available at retailers. Instead, I’ve chosen some “bites” from well inside the book.
I’ve signed up for a trial period to see how it goes. It’s all an experiment for now. I’ll try posting other kinds of “bites” and use other tags. Hope I get some “likes” and a few comments. Then I’ll know if I’m connecting to readers.
The site is free for readers, so go check it out. You never know — you may find a new favourite, or connect with other readers and form an on-line book club. May page is here.
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