“Do a favour for a person, and the world will reward you with a flat tire.”

That cynical line is worth a good laugh, but it is not my experience. Remember, I’m still on the lookout for writerly kindnesses.

Today, when I opened my e-mail I found that I had a new follower at Bookbub. I was thrilled. Maybe I never outgrew the childish cry of “look ma, no hands!” Or perhaps it’s a universal desire that someone notice our accomplishments. Is that at the core of a romance novel? The hero or heroine long for the other to notice. To really see into the heart of the other. To understand his/her longings and desires. To truly connect.

One of the hardest things about bereavement is that no one is watching anymore. A new dress, a brilliant idea, a gold star. There is no one standing there cheering and encouraging. My heart aches for the many widows and widowers that I know–people who have lost their cheering section. I try to notice when something about them has changed. I try to remember their special days or the names of their pets. I try to notice. It’s a little bit of kindness that I can offer.

On the writerly front, a new follower is the best kind of cheering. Someone not only read my words, but took the time to pat me on the back.  I, of course, went to my bookbub account and checked the list of books I’d recommended. A few that I’d enjoyed recently weren’t listed so I immediately sent in a review and a recommendation. I hope the gold stars I gave those authors gives them as much joy as my follower has given me.

Thanks everyone. Keep practicing kindness, whether the writerly sort or the human sort. We can make a better world.

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