I’m happy to report that I’ve made progress with the list of chores I’ve dodged in the past. The sewing room has been dusted, scrubbed and organized. Yippee! Only problem is now I don’t want to start any project and mess it all up. Since the weather is changing, I’m sure there are summer clothes that need mending or pressing or new buttons, but I’ll continue to avoid until the crisis point is reached. 

On the writing front, I’ve made progress there too. For me, editing comes much easier with printed pages, so I’ve run them off and covered them with red ink. Someone famous once said, “I hate writing but I love having written.” That’s the way I feel at the moment. Seeing where I can add scenes, subtract extraneous phrases and tighten up the action gives me a lift. 

It would appear that threat of public shaming is a sufficient goad to get me out of avoidance mode. However, Diana L has some much more fun suggestions in her comments on last week’s blog.Thanks, Diana, for sharing your ideas.

I’ve done a variation of “ten things” but I always include a bribe. e.g. Once I’ve done ten things I can have a piece of chocolate, or knit for ten minutes, or . . .

Seven minutes seems a very short time, but if you set the timer and race until it dings, you’ll be surprised at how much you have accomplished. 

So, here’s wishing everyone a great week of super accomplishment whether it’s done ten things at a time, seven minutes at a time, or inspired by a deep well of ambition within your soul.

To quote Dr. Bonnie, “be kind, be calm, be safe.”

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