In this time of world crisis, we could all do with a little jocularity. (Remember Father Mulcahy on M.A.S.H.–jocularity, jocularity?)  The calico cats bring you lots of purrs and a little chuckle.



This is a sweater I’ve been working on for months. The knitting, in the round on long circular needles,

is awkward and slow. I’ve had to rip back over and over.


This is a big flaw in the sleeve only five rows from finishing the dratted thing.


This is why, there is a big flaw in the sleeve, only five rows from the end.

This is Chloe, having a lovely afternoon nap, that is because she gets up at 5:00 am and insists on going out!

This is Chloe demanding a brushing.


Here are the calico cats curled up together in the shower. I don’t know why this is their favourite spot, but I have to get there ahead of them to wash my hair. Of course, I couldn’t possible boot them out.


Hope you enjoy these glimpses of my cats.  They do keep our lives interesting, even while we are physically distancing and missing our usual activities. Are your pets keeping you sane?


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