One of the more heart-warming stories arising from the Fort McMurray fire is the reunion of pets and owners. Many people fleeing the fire had to leave behind beloved animals. Either there was no room — it’s hard to put a horse in the back of your car — or there was no time. Some fled with only the clothes on their backs. If you’ve ever loved an animal, you’ll know how heart-rending it must have been to leave one behind.
The good news is that first responders, fire-fighters and police have been doing their best to care for abandoned pets, and now 600 have been rescued and sent to a reclamation centre in Edmonton. For families who’ve lost their homes, their belongings and their livelihoods, the joy of reclaiming a lost pet has to be enormous.
Given that our society is so attached to our furry and feathered friends, it’s hardly surprising that animals show up in romance novels. Goodreads even has a list of recommended romances featuring dogs. Just like your own four-legged friend, pets in stories allow characters to show empathy, to share secrets, to reveal their soft side when the world think they’re nothing but tough. Renowned screenwriter/teacher Blake Snyder even wrote a manual for writers called Save the Cat. His point being that even the most unlikable character can be redeemed by one good deed — saving a lost cat.
I’ve had pets all my life, yet, until recently, I didn’t use animals as major elements in my stories. Hard to explain, since I write with a cat on my knee, sleep with one on the bed, and plan my holidays around cat-sitters. However, a recent wip features a heroine who works in a dog rescue centre. Dogs feature big-time in this story. And yes, they do reveal character, they do allow a crusty hero to fall in love, they do provide moments of humour. Can’t think why I haven’t written them into my stories before.
As I cuddle my own furry friends I say thank you to the heroes of Fort McMurray who rescued, fed, transported and snuggled frightened, lost animals. My heart aches for those still wondering what became of an abandoned pet and I can’t get enough of the reunion stories. Talk about a “feel good” moment.
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