pile of books As mentioned on other posts on this blog, I love getting books for Christmas. This year my wishes were answered with a nice pile of literature under the tree. The haul included history, romance, mystery and biography. Since we are having a series of snow days, the additions to my TBR pile are most welcome. snow dayBefore Christmas I discovered a Louise Penny mystery that I hadn’t read before. What an unexpected pleasure. Apparently she modelled her detective hero, Armand Gamache on her late husband. No wonder Armand is drawn with such love and sensitivity and compassion. Ms Penny is an expert at drawing the reader into the world and characters of her books. Her works are excellent examples of the kind of deep POV we all strive to attain.

Last week I started a collection of “writerly kindness” anecdotes. Laura Langston wrote a beautiful story or how a neighbour encouraged her. See it here.

This week I attended a meeting of my local writers group. Here writerly kindness was much in evidence from shared information, freely offered advice and a gentle reminder to set some goals for 2020. Thank you to Cora Seton and all the members of VIRA.

The snow continues to fall, the fire is lit and my TBR pile beckons. What are you reading?

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